

AD 10mins 
Row 10mins  
AD 10mins 
all easy pace 


3 rounds not for time 
2 rope climbs legless 
HS walk 20ft 
3 bar MU 

3 rounds for time all out 
7 thruster 135# 
10 CTB chin ups 
rest 8mins 
5min amrap all out  
AD 10cals 
10 KBS 88# 
rest 8mins 
5, 4, 3, 2, 1 for time 
DL 315# 

Did gymnastics. Not HS walk. Wrist are healthy, but don't want to risk it.

Tester 1 - 1:40 unbroken. Just tried to push. Thruster felt good. Front rack is coming a long nice. 

Tester 2 - 5rds. Computer on AD was messed up. So just went hard for :25

Tester 3 - 1:48. Unbroken. Harder than I thought it would be. 

Overall was pretty recovered before 2nd and 3rd. Good night. Good week. 


A1. back squat 3, 3, 3; rest 90sec 
A2. wtd chin up 3, 3, 3; rest 90sec 

20mins easy Z1 AD  

A1. 385, 405, 415
A2. 100, 100, 100

Complete Z1

A. Paused SJ build to a max 2sec pause at the bottom of dip drive  
3 sets tough increase pace per set 
30 wall balls 20# 10' target  
20 burpee over the bar 
15 HSPU  
30 cal row 
rest 3mins 
AD 20mins Z1 

A. 300. Great drill! Jerk is feeling more solid every time I do it. The pause really makes you drive the bar up and get back underneath. 


I got slower in burpees. Did bar facing to practice for Open. Had to break up HSPUs. Good thing is I figured out how to row for calories! How to make every pull count a a calorie. Huge!


Row 1min easy 
AD 1min easy 
Jump rope singles 1min easy 
Side pank 30sec R and L 

Completed. 20min. Had to shorten, got called in to work. 

A. heaving snatch balance build to a tough single in 10mins  
B. snatch build to 75% of 1rm quick  
14min amrap 
40 burpee jump touch 6" above reach 
30 snatch 75# 
30 burpee jump touch 6" above reach 
30 snatch 135# 
20 burpee jump touch 6" above reach 
30 snatch 165# 
10 burpee jump touch 6" above reach 
30 snatch 210# 
can be PS 

A. 245...felt good. Just stopped.
B. 240. PR. #15 for full snatch. I know this is off the menu, I just felt so good. Had no misses up here, then stopped.

Tester - 21 @ 165. Felt solid. Steady. Hamstrings and butt tight/sore from weekend tester with DB snatch. 


01/31/2015 & 02/01/2015

We hosted a comp at the gym on Saturday that I helped organize. Unbroken. Went very well. Ridiculously tired. Went to be by 8:45 sat night. 

Sunday I did Sat AM session. Then part A from Sun PM and tester from Sat PM. Good day. 

Jan 31st
Row 250m 90% effort 
rest walk 60sec x 20  

Only had time for 10 sets. So increased speed to 48.8-49.5 per set. Gym was very cold. Could have kept going if I had to. 

A. thruster x 1/PP x 1/PJ x 1/SJ x 1 build this complex to a max in 10mins  
B. emom - 12mins 
odd - 1 MU + 8 ring dips 
even - 10 KBS 88# 

50 HSPU 
50 CTB chin ups 
50 pistols 
50 DB snatch 70#

Tester....10:15. 2:30HSPU, 4:30CTB, 6:30Pistols. Paced it but kept movin. Pushed hard at end on snatches. 

Feb 1st  
Row 1min easy 
AD 1min easy 
Jump rope singles 1min easy 

A. power snatch build to a tough double in 10mins 

3 rounds for time 
Row 750m 
20 burpees 
20 PS 115# 
20 box jump 24" 

A. 215...was forward on both reps, but hit it. 


AD 20mins 
Row 20mins  
AD 20mins 
all easy pace 

Completed. Did 50min

3 sets tough 
3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1 
FS 245# from floor 
pHSPU 8" deficit 
rest AD easy spin 4mins 

4mins 95% effort 
12 kbs 1.5pd 
10 walking lunges 
5 box jumps 24" 
rest 3mins 
4min 95% effort 
Row 150m 
2 pHSPU 
10 T2B unbroken 
rest 3mins 
4min 95% effort 
30 DU 
5 CTB chin ups unbroken 
rest 3mins 
4min 95% effort 
Run 200m 
12 burpees 

Messed up the 3 tough sets. Did squat cleans for every rep. 3,2,1. Felt good.


Amrap1 - 4rds+12
Amrap2 - 3rds+100m
Amrap3 - 6rds+20 DU
Amrap4 - 3rds 

Felt really good overall for these. Was pushing hard at end. Wasn't messed up as much.


A1. back squat 4, 4, 4; rest 90sec 
A2. wtd chin up 4, 4, 4; rest 90sec 

20mins easy Z1 AD  

A1. 375, 375, 385
A2. 90, 95, 100

Z1. Completed

A. SJ from blocks build to a tough double in 12mins  
3 sets tough increase pace per set 
20 thruster 95# 
20 burpee over the bar 
20 CTB chin ups 
20 cal row 
rest 3mins 
AD 20mins Z1 

A. 315...single. No blocks. Felt better than last week.

4:10, 3:42, 4:00....holy hell. These were terrible


Row 1min easy 
AD 1min easy 
Jump rope singles 1min easy 
Side pank 30sec R and L 


A. heaving snatch balance build to a tough single in 10mins  
B. snatch build to 90% effort hit it 5-6times at your pace  
10min amrap 
30 snatch 75# 
30 snatch 135# 
30 snatch 165# 
30 snatch 210# 
can be PS 

A. 245...felt good. Stopped here
B. Built to 205. Hit it 6 more times. No misses. Felt really solid. Felt I could PR tonight. But stayed here

90....finished all snatched at 165 with :10 left. Probably 95% effort I eased into it. Was definitely going at the end though.